Thursday, February 7, 2013


So, I've spent a lot of time with Italian plumbers in my life. Why, you might ask?

I offer you this:
1) They have excellent mustaches.
2) They wear overalls with their initials on them.
3) The travel via giant green pipes.

Now, I ask, "Why WOULDN'T you spend all of your time with Italian plumbers?"

If you don't know these guys, let me give you a little background on them.

Mario: This guy is fearless. He's just a plumber from a small corner of Sicily trying to make it in his crazy colorful world filled with mushroom guys, walking hershey kisses with little teeth, and giant piranha plants - Sometimes he jumps on stuff - Sometimes he runs to stuff - Sometimes he jumps on stuff that he ran to - But above all, his sole purpose in his world is to save this royal homegirl that he's in love with - Princess Peach - Girlfriend is not good at staying out of trouble.

Luigi: This guy is tall - Despite being Mario's little brother. He wears a lot of green - Follows Mario around - Offers moral support - Doesn't do much else - Great conversationalist, though.

Now, what you've got to understand is that these soft-spoken Sicilians are up against the biggest, baddest, wealthiest (He has a floating castle - WHAT) giant, spikey alligator dragon guy named Bowser. (I don't know if you've ever met a giant, spikey alligator dragon guy before - SO MOODY) So, with that in mind, a typical day between these guys might look something like this:

- Bowser steals Princess Peach - Again - Girl gotta learn.
- Mario and Luigi receive the news from their mushroom guy friend while they're enjoying a traditional Italian breakfast of egg spaghetti.
- Mario finds Bowser
- Mario fights Bowser (Luigi cheers him on from the sidelines)
- Mario defeats Bowser
- Mario saves Princess Peach and returns her to her castle.

So, what's so great about an Italian plumber that saves princesses? - THIS - He does it, every single day, not for the glory, nor for the boasting - but solely for the fact that it is his purpose in his world - he is compelled to do it over and over again. If he didn't, Princess Peach might forever remain captive, and he would be selling himself short in his life.

My Jerusamigo Paul sheds some light on this - "For preaching the Good News is not something I can boast about. I am compelled by God to do it. How terrible for me if I didn't do it!" - 1 Corinthians 9:18

Here's what I think - We are all called to share the Word of God (the Love of God) with those around us - We do it not so that we can boast about it, or even get rewarded for it - We do it simply because it is our sole (and soul) purpose in this world - We do it because we are COMPELLED by God to do it.

If this is a God-given purpose in our lives then how terrible, how rude, how inconsiderate of us to not do it. Why would we want to sell ourselves short? Everyday, there is a Princess Peach being held captive by this world, and God has called us to be His Italian plumbers.

I'm buying my overalls right now.



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