Thursday, February 7, 2013


So, I was thinking about zombies this morning, right? And I thought 2 things:

1) Zombies are gross. 
2) It probably sucks to be a zombie. 

Then I started thinking about what makes a zombie so zombie-like, and I came up with this:

1) They walk around dead - because a sick nasty zombie virus destroys their insides - hence nicknamed the "walking dead"
2) They reeeeeaaally like eating flesh - which is surprisingly low in calories
3) They are driven by a single overwhelming desire to satiate (stuff, satisfy completely or excessively) their appetite - which is how I often feel when walking into Furr's.

What's my point with all of this? Get ready y'all, 'cus here it comes -
I wanna be a Jesus zombie. There, I said it.

The problem is, most of the time I'm just a regular zombie. I find myself walking around dead, craving flesh (in this instance, everything that surrounds us in the world), and having no other driving force in my life except for the desire to satisfy those cravings.

BUT, check this out - John 1:14 - "And the Word (Christ) became flesh and lived among us."

Heretofore, a Jesus zombie might look something like this:

1) They walk around full of life, thriving - the Word of God became the man Jesus who lives within each and everyone of us - therefore, the Word of God is living and breathing within us.
2) They reeeeeeaaally like consuming the Word - taking every chance to devour all that is Jesus (who again, is God's Word)
3) They are driven by a single overwhelming desire to completely satisfy their spiritual appetite - through serving, giving, praising, worshipping, studying, fellowshipping.

Regular zombies: 0
Jesus zombies: 1



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